Katarzyna Rubiszewska, my namesake, is related to me in her spirit, in her way of seeing and feeling – maybe that’s why I could recognize her photos so fast from the other people’s work from Toruńskie Spacery Fotograficzne. Katja (Katya) can see what is beyond the frame – the spirit, the magma of memories, and the fog of emotions, and she can tell about it in her own photographic language. She can imply interpretations: the recipient makes them up by himself, based on his emotions, expirience and knowlegde. If you see (with the eyes of soul) more than in the frame – this is a beautiful and inspiring expirience. Katja has that way of percieving reality, so it becomes a metaphor. This kind of expressing the content is only possible by high level of professionalism.
What is Katja’s specialty? It’s hard to tell specifically because she’s still looking for one. She has been behind the lens for only 4 years!
Katja is excelent at capturing nature, or rather the Nature – not so much its natural detail, but phenomena expressed by the Nature of metaphisics of duration and passing, as well as its variability, that is often symbolic.
She has a reporter’s zeal, with right for this specialty virtue of patience and the skill of observation. Simple moments are the most interesting: ordinary people doing ordinary things – day by-day carries a lot of meanings, you only need to notice them. The„only” part here is the great art. Katja can wait for this one, single moment, and when it comes she has the reflex to capture the split second images of momentary emotions and expressions.
Her urban photos fascinate me the most. Maybe because of my profession I see in that kind of photographs – apart from their artistic form and contents literally expressed – another level of meanings of historic and symbolic references. Usually in her nonfigural compositions we can almost sense the presence and the warmth of those whe were still there before the moment of taking picture, our predecessors, as if they were building the continuity of our little history, and creating a world again and again from the beginning.
Katja’s pictures painted with light create their own stories and associations, and relate to the world of symbols. And this is the essence of art.
Katarzyna Kluczwajd
Art historian, regionalist
Kasia Rubiszewska and my first associations – culture, passion and perseverance.
We met many years ago on a non-existent photography portal. At that time, Kasia’s photographs stand out, she already had a different look and topic selections. She showed her surroundings in interesting ways, that is, not looking for distant or an imaginary motive. Her photographs show situations and places that others not often see. Such visual skills are the basis of good photographs. In my opinion, the best example is in her night picture depicting the Copernicus monument, in which the figure of this great astronomer points to the moon with his finger.
I was lucky enough to meet Kasia very often, we had discussions about photos, compositions, techniques and equipment, and finally we went out for a photo shoot on location where I get to know and experienced her photo enthusiasm.
Constantly looking ,striving, and desiring to acquire new knowledge showed in every conversation we had, hence, broadening her skills which are expressed in her images. It was nice to see new themes in Kasia’s work: night shots and “painting with light”, more and more beautiful landscapes, not just forest. Bulgarian inspiration is not a shame, it is a return to the best roots of Polish photography. Over time she developed her own personal image processing style. Through continuous development her works have gained recognition and were presented and distinguished in photo exhibitions.
Every normal person would be happy with such achievements, however not for Kasia Rubiszewska, it’s not enough. She started and realized two valuable projects. The first was the documentation of abandoned sites. Thanks to this idea I saw quite fantastic shots of old, evangelical cemeteries of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province. It is very valuable to be reminded of and to be shown the destructive testimony of the material culture in Poland. Another project is her Youth Photographic Meeting. For me the idea is absolutely wonderful! She took Children and young people on photographic walks to get to know the secrets of photography. The desire to pass on the knowledge is one thing, but these days, it’s better making children and young people spend time creatively in the open air instead of sitting in front of the computer. Two in one! I had the opportunity to see many photos taken during these workshops. You can see that her students are also starting to not only look at their feet, but they are now seeing more their surroundings. It has always been, is and will be the basis of good photographs. the begining of the photographic development, and under her care it does not get any better than this 🙂
I am glad that her site is online. I hope to finally find her work and achievements gathered in one place. I’ll be happy visiting frequently. Reach your goals. I wish you further development and many successes. I have no doubt about your success, because of your commitment , culture, passion and persistence …?
Paweł Maryański
- “Toruń w konwencji retro” (Dom Muz, Toruń, TSF) July 2014
- “Ekskluzja czy inkluzja” (Pedagogical Library, Toruń, UMK WNP) April 2015
- “Toruń wieczorny, Toruń nocny” (District Museum in Toruń, TSF) August 2015
- “Poezja codzienności” (Galeria Dworzec Zachodni, Od Nowa, Toruń, TSF) May 2016
- Post-competition exhibition of CSW Toruń, March 2016
- Post-competition exhibition of CSW Toruń, March 2017
- “Wiślane tajemnice” (Nicolaus Copernicus University Library, Toruń, UMK WPiSM, TSF), June 2017
- “Kujawy i Pomorze w obiektywie” (Dwór Artusa, Toruń, TSF), November 2017
- “Impresje i Abstrakcje na 100” (Mała Galeria Fotografii OK-P ZPAF, Toruń, TSF), september 2018
- “100 razy Toruń” (Dwór Artusa, Toruń, TSF), July 2019
- “Jak budzi się las, czyli ran(d)ki (ro)zebrane”, Klub Akcent, Grudziądz, December 2021
- “Broken Stories” Akcent Club, Grudziądz, October 2022
- “Budownictwo szkieletowe w Toruniu: pruski mur – nielubiane dziedzictwo”, Scientific editors: Katarzyna Kluczwajd i Michał Pszczółkowski, Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN 9788394368401
- “Toruński modernizm: architektura miasta 1920-1989”, Scientific editors: Katarzyna Kluczwajd i Michał Pszczółkowski, Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN 9789394368456
- “Historyzm Toruński XIX-XX wieku: architektura, miejsca i codzienność”, Scientific editors: Katarzyna Kluczwajd i Michał Pszczółkowski, Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN 9789394368470
- “Zabytki lewobrzeżnego Torunia: zachowane, nieistniejące, tylko zaplanowane”, Scientific editors: Katarzyna Kluczwajd i Michał Pszczółkowski , Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN 9788388341793
- “Pierniczana orbita. Toruń spacerkiem”, Katarzyna Kluczwajd, Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN 9788388341724
- “Piernikajki, czyli toruńskie piernikowe bajki”, Katarzyna Kluczwajd, Publishing house: Novea Res, ISBN 978-83-8147-091-9
- “Praktyczny patriotyzm w Toruniu 1918/1920 – 2018: różne odsłony niepodległości” Scientific editors: Katarzyna Kluczwajd, Michał Pszczółkowski, Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN 978-83-946646-5-7
- “Miejsca dla kultury i rozrywek: idee, architektura, ludzie”, Scientific editors: Katarzyna Kluczwajd, Michał Pszczółkowski, Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN 978-83-953155-1-0
- “Toruńskie miejsca do mieszkania i (za)pamiętania: domy, pomniki, cmentarze”, Scientific editors: Katarzyna Kluczwajd, Michał Pszczółkowski, Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN 978-83-953155-4-1
- “Bydgoskie Przedmieście: Toruńskie przedmieścia sprzed lat” Katarzyna Kluczwajd, Publishing house: Księży Młyn Dom Wydawniczy, ISBN 978-83-7729-501-4
- “Toruńskie miejsce do mieszkania i (za)pamiętania: domy, pomniki, cmentarze”, Scientific editors: Katarzyna Kluczwajd i Michał Pszczółkowski, Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN: 978-83-953155-4-1
- “PODgórzajki, czyli PODTORUŃSKO-PODGÓRSKIE BAJKI”, Katarzyna Kluczwajd, Publishing house: Region, ISBN: 978-83-7591-785-7
- Album: Toruńskie Spacery Fotograficzne 2010-2020, ISBN: 978-83-935534-1-1
- Album: “Natura w obiektywie”, Kujawsko-Pomorski Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego w Minikowie, ISBN: 978-83-65181-74-9
- Magazine: “Strona Kobiet” czerwiec-lipiec 2020, artykuł: “Obrazy malowane światłem”, Polska Press Bydgoszcz
- “Toruńskie historie znikania: burzenie, modernizacje, “ujednolicanie””, Scentific Editors: Katarzyna Kluczwajd, Michał Pszczółkowski, Publishing house: Stowarzyszenie Historyków Sztuki, ISBN 978-83-966134-0-0